Minggu, 31 Oktober 2010

Mungil, Asin, Manis

Kalau Anda penggemar Dim Sum, mampirlah akhir pekan ini di resto ini. Ada puluhan jenis dim sum disajikan hangat mengepul. Suasana yang hangat bakal membuat acara yum cha di akhir pekan jadi seru dan asyik. Apalagi harga yang ditawarkan benar benar fantastis. Cobain yuk!

Dim sum? Hmm... siapa yang sanggup menolak? Sajian yang berasal dari selatan Cina ini memang sangat populer di Jakarta dan kawasan Asia lainnya. Makanan serba mungil, asin dan manis, dibuat segar dan disajikan hangat mengepul. Disajikan di atas klakat bambu dan disantap sambil menyerutup teh oolong.

Itulah budaya yum cha yang biasa dilakukan orang Cina dari daerah Canton. Menikmati hangatnya dim sum, sambil ngobrol dan minum teh merupakan kegiatan rutin di pagi hari hingga menjelang siang. Kegiatan yum cha atau mencicipi teh ini memang sangat disukai oleh orang tua dan kini hampir segala usia menyukai dim sum.

Dim sum memiliki ratusan jenis. Mulai dari jenis yang dipanggang, digoreng hingga dikukus. Bahan pembuat dim sum juga sangat beragam, demikian pula dengan rasanya, dari asin gurih hingga manis legit. Jenis dim sum seperti siomai, hakau, bakpau, angsio kaki ayam hingga onde-onde sudah tergolong dim sum yang populer.

Jika akhir pekan ini Anda ingin mencicipi dim sum yang spesial dan unik dengan suasana yang berbeda, Table8 yang berlokasi di lantai dasar Hotel Mulia Senayan Jakarta bisa jadi pilihan. Di akhir pekan resto Cina terbaru yang bergaya Chinoiserie ini menawarkan pilihan dim sum yang berbeda.

Tersedia 28 jenis dim sum di hari Sabtu dan Minggu yang disajikan prasmanan dan bisa dipesan a la carte. Selain jenis dim sum populer, ada banyak dim sum lain yang unik. Seperti Xiao Lung Pao, dim sum berbentuk kantung berisi kuah dan daging kepiting, Xian Xia Chang Fun, lembaran adonan yang tipis dengan isian udang, atau Kuo Tie, pan-fried dumpling dengan isian daging ayam.

Kalau suka dim sum manis, jangan lupa memesan winter melon, pie pipih berbentuk bundar dengan isian lotus paste yang legit. Atau Cintoi, onde-onde yang kulitnya renyah dengan isian adonan lotus ini legit rasanya. Yang lembut renyah dan bikin lidah bergoyang, Tan tat alias Baked Egg Tart jangan dilewatkan. Demikian pula dengan bolu kukus lapis kaster, Steamed Layer Cake with custard, sangat lembut di lidah.

Khusus buat pencinta dim sum sejati,sebaiknya memesan Baked Pau, bakpau mungil berlapisan adonan renyah manis ini dipanggang dengan isian adonan ayam yang gurih. Atau Pau berisi adonan kuning telur asin yang lembut meleleh. Carrot cake yang populer di Singapura juga sayang dilewatkan. Di Table8, Pan-fried Radish Cake ini diaduk dengan sosis yang gurih. Dijamin membuat lidah tak bisa berhenti mengunyah!

Sambil menikmati beragam jenis dim sum yang semuanya serba segar dan panas mengepul, Anda bisa memesan beragam jenis teh Cina dari jenis green tea, oolong tea hingga kwa cha. Santapan dim sum sepuasnya ini bisa dinikmati di hari Sabtu dan Minggu, jam 08.00 – 14.30.

Khusus hari Sabtu Anda cukup membayar Rp. 138.000,00 ++ dan di hari Minggu Rp. 168.000,00++, termasuk chinese tea sampai jam 11.00. Jika akhir minggu ini ingin mencicipi dim sum dengan suasana dan cita rasa berbeda, segera saja hubungi 021-574-7777 ext.4108/4208 untuk informasi dan reservasi. (Odilia Winneke - detikFood)

Lihat juga : WineHanamasa


Have you ever eat Sushi? Sushi is a japanese food that well known for it's freshness. Sushi usually made from fresh fish. There are many kind of Sushi, there are : 

* Sashimi
Raw seafood served chilled and sliced, and elegantly arranged. It's usually prepared with fish fresh from the water, refrigerated but never frozen. How to slice the fish for sashimi is one of the most rigorous skills to learn during the itamae's training. Fish cut too thick or too thin make a different impression on the taste buds, and different fish require applying different techniques. Depending on what was served, you will be handed soy sauce, ponzu, or red pepper to dress it.

* Nigirisushi
Nigirisushi means something like "hand pressed". This type of sushi is the most common type at the sushi bar: A small oval made with rice, with an expertly cut slice of fish on top, and with a dab of wasabi on it. Most types of nigirisushi are meant to be dipped in soy sauce, and must be eaten in one bite, slowly. Close your eyes and feel the different textures in your mouth while you eat every piece.

* Gunkan
Battleship sushi. This looks like a nigiri piece wrapped once in seaweed. It's called "battleship sushi" because it resembles the cylindrical sail of a submarine or battleship. Most caviar sushi (e.g. uni, tobiko, ikura, masago) are wrapped in the gunkan style.

* Makisushi
Maki means "rolled". This kind of sushi consists of fish (or crab) and vegetables rolled in a sheet of nori (roasted seaweed) and rice. Makisushi is usually served sliced into bite-size portions. In some restaurants it will be listed as norimaki (seaweed roll) in the menu. Makisushi is an excellent choice for those venturing into the sushi bar for the first time, particularly if they are squimish about eating raw fish. The taste and crackling texture of the the seaweed, the visual delight from its appearance, and the combination of salty seaweed, sweet rice, and delicate fish and vegetables soon win even the most reluctant experimenters.

* Temaki
Te = hand. Temaki describes the hand rolls, something like a Japanese nori taco, that you bite into. Many of the ingredients you'll find in makisushi also exist in temaki.

* Kansai-style sushi is not covered here because it's not very common in western countries. Osaka-style sushi, made with more vinegar (or some times pickled fish), and set in a box. See the photo for details. Its history and tradition require a whole chapter contrasting it with Edo-sushi, the one you're most likely familiar with. (eugeneciurana)

See also :
Burger King

Anggur Merah yang Lembut

Carbenet Sauvignon
Jika Wine putih / hijau nya yang populer dengan Carbenet Chardonnay Sauvignon dapat dikatakan bintang jenis wine merah. Alasannya adalah karena sebagian jenis wine mudah tumbuh di daerah beriklim sedang hangat dan pemeliharanya 'rewel' tidak. Banyak hasil di Perancis (Bordeaux), Italia, Amerika Serikat (California), Chile, Australia dan Afrika Selatan. blackberry karakter buah yang kuat dan juga memiliki tingkat yang lebih tinggi tanin (rasa Sepat) tinggi dibandingkan dengan jenis lain anggur. Tidak jarang para penggemar menjuliki Carbenet Sauvignon anggur sebagai anggur yang keras kepala dan tangguh.

Pinot Noir
Di antara berbagai jenis anggur, Pinot Noir dapat dikatakan sebagai budidaya anggur yang paling sulit. Menariknya meskipun jenis yang sama Pinot Noir tetapi rasa dan karakter dari anggur yang dihasilkan bisa berbeda. Yohan Handoyo dalam bukunya menyebut anggur ini memiliki kepribadian ganda. Karakter Pinot Noir kadang-kadang saja menerbitkan stroberi saja, tetapi ketika diproses, lebih khusus blackcerry karakter, coklat (gelap), jamur (jamur) sampai cerutu juga akan kita dapatkan. Tapi justru karakter Pinot Noir yang tidak mudah ditebak membuat jenis anggur yang dijual di pasar. Karena pecinta wine akan bisa mendapatkan kejutan yang tak terbayangkan coba meskipun Pinot Noir. Ini anggur yang baik jesnis berasal dari Prancis (Burgundy dan Champagne), California (Oregon), Australia, Selandia Baru dan Chile. Bicara dalam hal warna, warna Pinot Noir memiliki lebih muda dari Carbenet Sauvignon, bahkan begitu puas tanin nya yang bisa dikatakan lebih lembut.

Banyak diproduksi di Australia, Afrika Selatan, Prancis (yang terkenal dari Lembah Rhone), USA (California) juga Chili. Di Perancis, Syrah Shiraz disebut dengan nama, jadi Shiraz dan Syrah adalah sama. Memiliki berbagai rasa dan satu adalah karakter cirri kkasnya lada hitam dan lada putih dia. Ada juga karakter coklat (gelap), violet, kopi, tembakau, cerutu, vanili sampai karakter daging binatang liar (game).

Adalah jenis anggur yang menghasilkan anggur rasa lembut. Menurut para ahli, anggur, Merlot adalah sepasang anggur diproduksi oleh Carbenet Sauvignon (kuat). Pertumbuhan ini tidak jauh dari memproduksi Carbenet Sauvignon, yaitu di daerah Perancis, Italia, Chile, Argentina, Australia, Afrika Selatan dan Amerika Serikat (California). Ini mengandung tanin yang lembut dan karakter buah seperti kismis hitam, blackberry, stroberi, plum hingga karakter tembakau, kopi dan cokelat lembut.

Sumber: seleramagazine

Lihat juga : Soto, Sour Sally

Pertama kali ke BK

Tadi siang makan ke Burger King di Senayan City yang baru berapa lama ini buka, penasaran aja apa rasanya masih enak kaya jaman dulu itu...

sampe sana jam 12.10 yang ngantri udah lumayan banyak... kita ambil di barisan paling kanan. and Gosh... it took about 20 mnts aja untuk kita jadi barisan ke 6 di depan kasir, paling depan ada 4 orang cewe yang beli burger 30an biji kali tuh, berkantong-2 ... . Akhirnya 12.32 kita nyampe di depan kasir & segera order makanan... dari yang tadinya luaper banget, sampe ilfil pas liat ke belakang kita, ternyata yang ngantri udah sampe ke pintu masuknya.... gila

Secara udah laper banget, ga sempet moto-2 burgernya, cuma untuk rasa.... ternyata masih kaya dulu kok, cukup uendang lah..

Gue akhirnya mesen Whooper Burger Jr. Gilaaakk!! Itu kayaknya burger yang paling gede yang gue liat deh. Yah, kalo dibandingin sama burger yang selama ini gue makan sih, ukurannya jelas beda.  Rasanya? Enaaakkk!! Karena sayurnya juga lumayan banyak, jadi gue nggak terlalu eneg sama rasa dagingnya.

Minumnya gue pesen Cola (yang satu paket sama burgernya itu). Selain cola, kalo pesen yang paket dapet kentang juga (bahasa kerennya sih french fries) Selain itu, gue juga minta tambahan sundae.

Gue nggak nyangka, gue bisa kenyang banget cuman makan itu. Soalnya ni ya, jujur aja kalo gue makan kentang sama burger di tempat laen, gue nggak bakalan sekenyang ini. Mungkin karena porsi burgernya yang guede juga kali ya. Jadi yaa.. kenyang gilaaa!!

Lihat juga : hanamasa

Jumat, 29 Oktober 2010

Shark Steak

MAY be fish shark is one of the harshest predators in the ocean, but on land this fish turned out to be extra tasty meal for humans.
Well, at the corner of the City Gombong, Kebumen there is a shop that is Viva's Cafe & Restaurant which serves a variety of menus made from shark meat. One is the southern sea shark steak.

Various variants are provided shark steak restaurant, among other shark steak with marinara sauce, black pepper sauce, or with oyster sauce.
Shark steak served in this restaurant It's really tempting with the addition of fresh vegetables and strawberries. In addition to smooth and creamy texture of the meat, it's also remarkable than salmon or tuna steak.
By chef Edi Kurniawan (38) shark meat that has a fishy smell that stung and processed transformed into a delicious steak. Shark steak prepared with a mixture of marinara sauce tastes very evocative. Due to the extreme taste and sensation of sweet, sour and spicy of this type is preferred by consumers.

"It's not easy to make steak shark, because the flesh is very soft. If the plain roasted, the meat will be destroyed and when presented, of course, forms unsightly," said Edi who claimed to learn this recipe from the Russians when they were working on tankers.
The initial process of cooking, selected shark tiger shark species was three to five months with a weight of 4 to 5 kilograms. Shark meat is obtained from the fishermen in a number of Fish Auction Place (TPI) along the south coast in the District's father. For that steak is called the southern sea shark steak.

After the sliced meat is separated from his skin and then washed clean. To remove fishy odor before it burned down, coated in seasoning meat prior mixture of oyster sauce, Worcestershire sauce, onions, ginger, pepper, lemon juice and milk.

As for the sauce simply mix the garlic onions, peppers, and mayonnaise. Add strawberries to further strengthen the sour taste. "After the meat until golden brown baked shark steaks are ready to serve," he added.
Erna Haryanti, shop owners said it deliberately offers a new menu that is usually only found in big cities. By utilizing the catch of the coastal fishermen's father tried to give him a meal which contains protein. Although the price of shark perekor currently quite expensive.But do not worry, with only spend Rp 17 000 you can enjoy the sensation of one portion of shark steak.

Shark steak is also believed to enhance vitality and is able to warm the body temperature. Because shark meat has a high content of folic acid. Folic acid otherwise known as Vitamin B9 is needed by children and adults to produce red blood cells and prevent anemia.
"The extreme weather like today, need a strong immune system to ward off various types of diseases," he said. (Supriyanto / CN13 - suara pembaruan CyberNews)

See also :  sour sally


Kamis, 28 Oktober 2010

Satay in Malay

Known as satay (sate)in Malay (and pronounced similarly to the English), it can be found throughout every state in Malaysia, in restaurants and on the street, with hawkers selling satay in food courts and Pasar malam. While the popular kinds of satay are usually beef and chicken satays, different regions of Malaysia have developed their own unique variations of satay. Sate is often associated with Muslim Malays of Malaysia Indicative of the melding of cultures, pork sate is also available at non-halal Chinese eating establishments in Malaysia.

There are a number of well-known satay outlets are in Kajang, Selangor which is dubbed the Sate City in the country. Sate Kajang is a generic name for a style of sate where the meat chunks are bigger than normal and the sweet peanut sauce is served with a dollop of fried chili paste. Hence, Sate Kajang is now found through out Malaysia and not just in Kajang. Sate Kajang Haji Samuri is very popular in Kajang as well as throughout Malaysia. This is currently the most well known chain of Kajang satay restaurants. Sate Kajang Haji Samuri offer chicken sate, beef sate, deer sate, rabbit sate, fish sate and many other variants.

A variation of the meat satay is the satay lok-lok from Penang and satay celup (dip satay) from Malacca. Both are Malaysian Chinese twists of the hotpot and the Malay satay. Raw meat pieces, tofu pieces, century eggs, quail eggs, fish cake pieces, offal or vegetable pieces are skewered on bamboo sticks. These are cooked by being dipped in boiling water or stock. The satay is eaten with a blackish sweet sauce with or without chili sauce. If the satay is eaten with satay sauce, it is called satay lok-lok. If the satay is cooked with boiling satay peanut sauce, it is called satay celup. This is available either from street vendors or at certain restaurants. Most of them are non-halal.

Customers use a common container containing boiling stock to personally cook their satay. Sauces are either served in common containers or individually. There are no tables when you eat at street vendors and thus customers enjoy the food standing around the food cart. (wikipedia)

See also :  dim sum


Sushi as one of most popular rice dishes

Sushi is one of the most popular rice dishes in Japan and is also widely enjoyed in countries around the world. In addition to the nigiri type with slices of raw or cooked fish sitting on top of an oblong sushi rice, there is also the norimaki (sushi roll), where pieces of fish and/or vegetable are rolled with rice in nori (dried seaweed), and chirashi-zushi with a variety of ingredients sitting on top of or mixed with a bed of Sushi rice.

Nigiri-zushi may look simple but are actually quite hard to make, since you can't start over once you start; they require fresh fish sliced to just the right thickness and size and rice that's packed neither too firmly or loosely. Most people have their sushi prepared for them by experienced chefs, either eating out at a sushi restaurant (you can find one in almost any neighborhood in Japan) or having sushi delivered to their homes. The skill of the chef can make a world of difference how good a piece of sushi tastes.

There are types of sushi that can be made at home, too, and it's not unusual to serve them when company's around, such as on festive occasions Chirashi-zushi is one example. They can be as easy to prepare as salads.

Here are recipes for some types of sushi that can be made in a snap. If you can't get a hold of some of the ingredients listed here, don't worry. You don't have to use all of them, and some can be substitute with others that are available where you live. (web-japan.org)

See also : dim sum


Brown Bokoran Soto

Bokoran called because the house of the owner of Soto Bokoran located on Jl. Bokoran. In contrast to the soup soto la semarang mostly clear. Bokoran Soto has a golden brown sauce. It turned out that the brown color is derived from the chicken broth used as the basis for soup broth mixed with satay sauce.

As in most small shop in Semarang soto, satay chicken or broil a companion in eating offal soup. Usually sate put in a bowl containing a brown gravy. Brown color is derived from the basic material in the form of a mixture of brown sugar sauce and soy sauce.

There is one more side dish that is rarely found in other soto stall, namely egg sauce. Eggs seem dibacem with duration of egg cook for 5 hours. Basic materials also use duck eggs instead of chicken eggs ordinary.

One serving sotonya Rp.6.000 priced. And that little distinguishes the soup mostly tomato pieces are very large. Pretty juicy when we eat this soup bokoran.
Oh yea if you want to eat in this shop do not come during the day because the soup is guaranteed already been sold out. This shop is open from 6 am to 12 noon. But at the weekend will be closed more quickly since exhausted before closing hours.

Warung Soto Bokoran already lasted for 40 years selling in Semarang. So soto bokoran is arguably one of the culinary wealth semarang that deserve to be maintained.
These stalls can be found at Jl. Plampitan. From the Simpang 5 - Jl. Gajah Mada - at the crossroad turn right after Hotel Gumaya. Apparently the first alley to the right was already Jl. Plampitan. (Didut - jago makan.com)

See also: ice cream


Rabu, 27 Oktober 2010

Dessert Wine

In typically Australian larrikin fashion, the custom of assigning nicknames to favoured friends has been extended to these wines which are affectionately known as “stickies”: a reference that captures the luscious “sticky” texture of these wines which slide like runny honey over the palate.

The majority of “stickies” in Australia are made using another traditional technique that takes advantage of a naturally occurring fungus, botrytis cinerea. Commonly called “noble rot”, botrytis attacks the grape gradually drawing the moisture from the berry, intensifying the sugar concentration, acidity and fruit flavour. The Riverina region of New South Wales, where warm damp autumns encourage the development of noble rot, is particularly well known for these wines.

“Stickies” are intensely flavoured white wines, deep gold in colour with bouquets of dried apricots, rich sweet flavour and a sharp acid finish. Their intensity of flavour means they are often sold in half bottles and drunk to accompany or even replace desserts.

These botryised sweet wines contain a delicate, acidic balance that creates a sensational accompaniment to fruit desserts. They are also the perfect accompaniment to blue or soft cheeses.(wineaustralia)

See also : ice cream


Uniqueness of Soto

Soto could be called typical food of the Indonesian people. In many parts of the country, can be found in various kinds of soto according to the origin. His name is different, it looks all sorts, it was also varied.

THERE clear broth soup, some are a bit murky. Some use glass noodles or vermicelli noodles, some filled with potatoes, there are mixed taogc. There was even a kind of soup is just gravy and sauce was just diguyurkan to grilled ribs or people more familiar with bakar.Toh ribs soup, still there are similarities because both soto. Want soto padang, soto makassar, Lamongan soto, soto madura, soto ambengan, or holy soup, a thick spice flavor characteristics remain similar.

"Indeed, of all the soup tastes that exist in Indonesia, on average, have similar taste. So even with spices, which are frequently used main turmeric and laos. Because, in general, a clear soup with coconut milk and colors will remain yellow, though there is a thick yellow is the usual course, "said Naniek, soto traders from Solo, Java Tengah.Banyaknya soto obvious choice in Soto Nusantara Festival held Warta Kota, last week, in the court Fatahilah Museum, West Jakarta.

At least there are 25 kinds of soup from the various regions. In a festival that can be felt how detailed the unique flavor soup dishes disajikan.Sebagai archipelago, the diversity of each region owned soup is a culinary overview of the wealth in this country. Although there are similarities sense, but in terms of content and detail terkecap taste on the tongue, soup is a dish that deserves to be explored enjoyment of taste.

"Although there is the same from the flavor and taste in general, let alone how closely the flavor and spicy sauce makassarese soto, soto madura delicious with chicken village, and the strong sense that menyedak flavor of coconut milk mixed with plain soup, taste it all. And , for enthusiasts of traditional foods is an archipelago of different sensations, "says Rajat, owners laos soto Pekalongan.

If viewed in terms of content soto, soto concoction results from various regions do have uniqueness. Starting from just a chicken meat and eggs, there are also soup filled beef marrow at the time, plus milk, some use ribs, tripe, lung, lalal, until the tendon sapi.Keragaman soto more obvious when looking at how to serve it. Clearly, the soup was always known as berkuah cuisine and fresh. (Bataviase)

See also: steak

dim sum

Product and People BK


* As a fast food hamburger restaurant (FFHR) chain, Burger King produces, hamburgers, cheeseburgers as well as Fries, Salads, Hash browns, Onion rings, Coffee, Juice, Shakes, cookies and pies.
* Burger King sets itself apart from competition with its “have it your way” theme which allows individualize each orders with many options including fries or onion rings, cheese, bacon, mustard, ketchup, mayonnaise, lettuce, tomato, pickles, and onion.
* The nation's No. 2 burger chain will add Starbucks Corp.'s Seattle's Best Coffee to all its U.S. restaurants in a phased roll-out that begins in the summer of 2010. Under the effort, more than 7,000 Burger King Restaurants will begin selling the coffee along with iced varieties that also come with a choice of plain, vanilla or mocha flavors and whipped toppings.
* Burger King has signed a licensing deal with ConAgra Foods Lamb Weston which will result in offering a retail line of microwaveable Burger King Brand French fries at select retailers in the United States, including Wal-Mart.


* John W. Chisley is Burger Kibgs Chieg Executive Officer and Executive Chairman of The Board. He has served in the CEO capacity since 2008.
* Alexandra Galindez the director of multicultural marketing for Burger King and in charge of implementing its “Next Best Move” initiative, which seeks to strengthen its standing in urban communities by conducting a national tour to community basketball courts in 41 markets.
* In 2009 Black Enterprise magazine named Burger King one of the "40 Best Companies for Diversity."
* Burger King pairs its “have it your way” theme with speedy customer service. To facilitate fast service Burger King takes customer orders on a continual basis. After an order is taken, the customer then moves down the line where another employee is preparing the order. Meanwhile, the original employee is taking another customer's order. Customers also get their own drinks while they are waiting for their meal. (marketing teacher)

Lihat juga : hanamasa


Sour Sally in My Spot

"My day incomplete without Sour Sally!", Remarked one fan Sour Sally on the social networking site Twitter. Yes! After the success of bringing in the trend to eat Frozen Yogurt, a tasty and healthy snack in Indonesia, Sour Sally has also been an integral part of everyday fans.

Less than 2 years standing, Sour Sally has to expand as many as 24 outlets in 4 major cities in Indonesia, namely Jakarta, Surabaya, Bandung and the Island of Bali. Even brands that are native to Indonesia this brand will soon expand its operations into several neighboring countries like Singapore, Malaysia, and Brunei Darussalam.

Sour Sally On Your Spot

Together with this launch, Sour Sally Catering Service also introduced services that allow Sour Sally could be present not only on weekdays but also on the Special Day fans.

With a professional catering system, Sour Sally was ready to complete the day - big day the fans. No need to fear that the quality difference between Sour Sally served in the Outlet - outlet with Sour Sally on Your Spot because all systems are designed in such a way as to Sour Sally still provide the best for the pecintanya especially on special days.

"The number of requests from loyal fans Sour Sally to be present on their special day, making our initiative to create a professional catering system is because, as we all know Sour Sally already attached and a habit of lifestyle in Jakarta," said Telly Limbara , GA & Treasury Director Sour Sally Fro-Yo. (Danny - globalnews Indonesia)

See also: sushi

dim sum

Healthy with Sour Sally

Ever see a long queue at an outlet that dominated the color green and pink on the floor of LG Senayan City?, Try to follow the queue, and get the freshness Yogurt Sour Sally
Such views are common, let alone a few months backs. Sour Sally indeed be one where a lot of discussion. Sour Sally (SS) is a Premium Non-Fat Frozen Yogurt (or better known by the term "Fro-yo") of America.

There are two flavors of yogurt, the original plain and green tea. Combined with the toppings chosen by your own. Topping also varied, from fruits such as strawberries, longan, nata de coco, mango, kiwi, bananas came to OREO, mochi, chocolate, marshmallow, and much more can you choose.

In addition to Premium Fro-yo, another menu offered is shaved ice escape, that fro-yo that is added with the shaved ice (fresh!). For those who want to drink alone, you can try a smoothie goodie, a mixture of fro-yo with fruit diblend until smooth.

The concept was very unique place, dominated by light green and pink color with an interior that "sweet but fresh" as we enter the world of "Sally" is full of flavor and color. Sally is a logo of an intangible SS girl who looks shy, mysterious, but funny. No wonder that the SS be a fun place to hang out and healthy.

Unfortunately the seating capacity in the SS is too little. Perhaps because of that, the SS open several new branches in Jakarta, one of them that have been opened is in La Codefin Kemang.
Range offered a very reasonable price, 1 cup of fro-yo with 2 topping medium can be obtained at a price of Rp. 29 thousand only. In addition to delicious and the price is reasonable, the SS also fro-yo dare to guarantee that used 100% fat free!

Our advice, try to combine the green tea fro-yo with strawberries and blueberries longan plus a few hours. Guaranteed to make you fresh and of course also healthy! (Detikhot)

See also: wine


Minum Anggur yuk

Anggur (atau juga populer disebut dalam bahasa Inggris: wine) adalah minuman beralkohol yang dibuat dari sari anggur jenis Vitis vinifera yang biasanya hanya tumbuh di area 30 hingga 50 derajat lintang utara dan selatan. Minuman beralkohol yang dibuat dari sari buah lain yang kadar alkoholnya berkisar di antara 8% hingga 15% biasanya disebut sebagai wine buah (fruit wine).

Anggur dibuat melalui fermentasi gula yang ada di dalam buah anggur. Ada beberapa jenis minuman anggur yaitu, Red Wine, White Wine, Rose Wine, Sparkling Wine, Sweet Wine, dan Fortified Wine:

* Red Wine adalah wine yang dibuat dari anggur merah (red grapes). Beberapa jenis anggur merah yang terkenal di kalangan peminum wine di Indonesia adalah merlot, cabernet sauvignon, syrah/shiraz, dan pinot noir.
* White Wine adalah wine yang dibuat dari anggur putih (white grape). Beberapa jenis anggur hijau yang terkenal di kalangan peminum wine di Indonesia adalah chardonnay, sauvignon blanc, semillon, riesling, dan chenin blanc.
* Rose Wine adalah wine yang berwarna merah muda atau merah jambu yang dibuat dari anggur merah namun dengan proses ekstraksi warna yang lebih singkat dibandingkan dengan proses pembuatan Red Wine. Di daerah Champagne, kata Rose Wine mengacu pada campuran antara White Wine dan Red Wine.
* Sparkling Wine adalah wine yang mengandung cukup banyak gelembung karbon dioksida di dalamnya. Sparkling Wine yang paling terkenal adalah Champagne dari Prancis. Hanya Sparkling Wine yang dibuat dari anggur yang tumbuh di desa Champagne dan diproduksi di desa Champagne yang boleh disebut dan diberi label Champagne.
* Sweet Wine adalah wine yang masih banyak mengandung gula sisa hasil fermentasi (residual sugar) sehingga membuat rasanya menjadi manis.
* Fortified Wine adalah wine yang mengandung alkohol lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan wine biasa (antara 15% hingga 20.5%). Kadar alkohol yang tinggi ini adalah hasil dari penambahan spirit pada proses pembuatannya.

Manusia telah membuat minuman anggur sejak sekitar lima ribu tahun yang lalu.

Anggur adalah minuman yang populer di banyak negara. Negara-negara yang penduduknya meminum anggur paling banyak (menggunakan data tahun 2000) adalah: Perancis, Italia, Amerika Serikat, Jerman, Spanyol, Argentina, Britania Raya, Republik Rakyat Cina, Rusia, dan Rumania.

Jika tolok ukur yang digunakan adalah angka per orang atau per kapita, daftar tersebut menjadi: Luxemburg, Perancis, Italia, Portugal, Kroasia, Swiss, Spanyol, Argentina, Uruguay, dan Slovenia.

Anggur dibuat di banyak negara. Negara-negara yang membuat anggur terbanyak (menggunakan data tahun 2000) adalah: Perancis, Italia, Spanyol, Amerika Serikat, Argentina, Jerman, Australia, Afrika Selatan, Portugal, dan Chili.

Satu-satunya wine buatan Indonesia yang dibuat dari anggur lokal adalah Hatten Wines dengan merk dagang TWOislands. (wikipedia)

Lihat juga : sour sally


Soto Cap Mak Erot

Soto, salah satu makanan kesukaan ku. Dan tentunya setiap orang pasti tahu apa itu soto, terlebih orang Indonesia. Hampir minimal 3 mangkok setiap minggunya pasti aku makan itu soto. Apalagi kalau lagi di Solo, tepat di depan kamar kos ku, Mak Erot berjualan soto. Enaknya soto Mak Erot itu murah (Rp 2.000,00/mangkok) yang isinya nasi, tokolan (tauge yang ukurannya gedhe), suwiran daging ayam, dan kaldu (kuah) serta ditambah daun sledri dan dibubuhi bawang goreng. Akan lebih enak lagi kalau makannya dengan lauk karak atau juga tempe mendoan serta dengan sambel + kecap, bikin mantap. Jangan lupa, wedang teh manis.

Soto / Sroto / Coto itu satu dari beribu makanan khas Indonesia. Jenisnya pun banyak, ada soto Madura, soto Makassar (baca- coto), soto betawi, dan lainnya. Meskipun sebenarnya sama saja, Cuma yang beda itu penyajian dan isinya. Ada yang nasinya dicampur, ada yang nasinya dipisah. Tapi yang bikin aku kangen itu soto buatan Mamak ku (bulekku yang biasa aku panggil ‘mamak’). Beda dengan soto yang ada di gambar itu. Beda penyajiannya, beda pula isinya.

Soto buatan mamak ku itu kaldunya gurih dan seger, isinya irisan kol, bihun, cambah, suwiran ayam. Nasinya gak dicampur seperti sotonya mak Erot, jadi kalau cuma mau makan sotonya saja, bukan nasi soto, tinggal ambil sendiri dan tanpa bayar pula…dan biasanya makannya saat kumpul-kumpul bersama keluarga. (belum sempat memfoto sotonya Mamak) (ari santoso)

Lihat juga : burger king

sour sally

Selasa, 26 Oktober 2010

Remembered Kesambi Soto

Eating soto practically become a habit people in Salatiga, Central Java. Especially as the breakfast menu. Not surprisingly, come to this city, we will find that many sellers of chicken soup are scattered in several places. One is the famous dining restaurant in Jalan Bladakan kesambi Soto.

These restaurants include a lively customer visited. The restaurant was not only visited by residents of Salatiga, but also from Semarang, Magelang, Yogyakarta, Solo and Jakarta. On holidays and school holidays, the restaurant was crowded with the travelers. Rows of cars line up at the plate B street front restaurant is narrow.

The food menu is quite simple: white rice and soup that contains shredded chicken, bean sprouts, a sprinkling of celery, and green onions with a sauce nodes. But, this soup can be eaten with a few choice dishes such as fried chicken, offal, fried tempeh, meatball.

Besides plus side dishes, soup eaten with rice crackers or in Salatiga generally more popular with crackers name character - a big boxy brown. Way of eating is a character in the hands crushed and sprinkled on soup.

There is one more special dishes that can be eaten with soup, its name rongkong. Side dishes that form part of a female chicken breast that is still intact by going to the egg. Egg yolk was still in the form without the shell. If we choose this side dish, can be presented in the form of suwir-shredded as well. In addition to chicken, of course there are hard-boiled egg. Brown eggs because cooked using red onions.

Kesambi soto restaurant was formerly located in Jalan kesambi - first location opened in the 1970s - so named after the street name of its existence. Sri Indarini, a loyal customer, had a nostalgic important with this kesambi soto. When I was going out with her husband - now deceased - they like going there after school.
The owner of this place is Handy. "What have (stall) this soup my school, you know," said Sri, who lives in Jakarta. Hand is the second generation who operates a place to eat this. He is still keeping the tradition of his parents in selling soto, among others, while counting the money. He calculates with chalk on the wooden table that he made as a cashier.

Places to eat soto kesambi is still modest, a small house a living room and terrace filled several dining table. Ornament his house is still original, especially seen from the jamb-frame painted green and the walls of the separator, which limits the dining room and kitchen. In the middle there are ornaments shaped sealing ring.

In addition, the tool is still the same meal since it first opened, which uses small white bowl as wide as the palm of the hand. Another typical eating tool is still used is the spoon duck durable aluminum, although not always used, because some scoop was replaced with a regular tablespoon.

Handy said there is nothing special from the menu sotonya. According to him, many customers who like to sotonya because it fits their taste. "Soto me just the same as any other kind of soup in Salatiga, (but I) do not know why the like," Hand said, modestly.
Many customers reminisce at home eating that have survived for about 30 years. "Many who came with their children and grandchildren," Handy added.

This restaurant is open from six am to three pm or until sotonya out of it. Sometimes if you're busy, at 11 any kind of soup was sold out. In order to miss out, usually visitors come early, before starting work or activities. (AQIDA SWAMURTI - tempo interactive)

See also: sour sally


10 Restoran Terbaik di London

Mengingat nama kami menarik, banyak pengunjung datang ke situs web ini mencari rekomendasi restoran untuk pergi ke untuk dim sum. Meskipun mereka menemukan banyak lebih lanjut di sini, mereka meninggalkan tidak sepenuhnya puas karena tujuan awal mereka terpenuhi. Jadi kita harus memutuskan untuk membantu mereka jiwa yang hilang dengan sesuatu yang Dim sum.co.uk belum pernah dilakukan sebelumnya - sebuah daftar sepuluh restoran di London untuk dim sum!

Listing di bawah ini diputuskan oleh panitia kami foodies setelah banyak diskusi. Kami ingin memastikan bahwa kami memilih restoran yang berkualitas otentik dan baik. Pada akhirnya, restoran dim sum kami memilih untuk sepuluh jatuh ke dalam dua jenis: restoran dim sum tradisional dengan dekorasi restoran khas Cina dan layanan acuh tak acuh tapi padat, dim sum baik harga dan 'modern' yang dengan memenangkan penghargaan dekorasi, pelayanan Barat, dan harga Barat tetapi juga berkualitas tinggi dim sum.

Modern Dim Sum
Sampai beberapa tahun yang lalu, tidak ada hal seperti modern restoran dim sum di London. Kebanyakan tempat dim sum yang di Chinatown dengan pengecualian dari rantai Cina yang sangat baik Royal, yang cenderung untuk duduk di daerah kaya di London.

Namun, dengan kedatangan Hakkasan, ini semua berubah. Hakkasan sepenuhnya dirubah gambar dim sum dan restoran masakan Cina dengan memutar pada kepalanya. Inggris kelahiran Alan Yau telah menciptakan sebuah karya tujuan dim sum dengan restoran yang memenangkan penghargaan Best Restaurant Desain, memperoleh Michelin, dan dikemas hard-untuk-menemukan restoran ruang bawah tanah dengan celebs. Namun, Hakkasan memastikan bahwa bintang sesungguhnya dari restoran bersinar - makanan.

Mengikuti jejak Hakkassan datang beberapa salinan yang sangat baik-kucing: Shanghai Blues, Ping Pong, Royal China Club, dan Yauatcha (restoran adik Hakkasan).

8 Hanway Place, London, 1HF W1T
Tel: 020 7927 7000

Dengan penghargaan desain, bintang Michelin, dan situs tujuan untuk celebs, perintis ini masih tempat untuk dilihat dan untuk makan dim sum indah. Ini di ruang bawah tanah gang cerdik off dari Tottenham Court, tapi itu hanya menambah daya tarik yang gelap, pengap.

15 Broadwick Street, London, 0DL W1F
Tel: 0870 780 8265

Dengan keberhasilan Hakkasan, terutama untuk korban makan siang dim sum, pemilik memutuskan untuk membuka restoran kedua untuk fokus pada dim sum sepanjang hari, bukan hanya untuk makan siang. Ini dibuka untuk sukses instan dengan sulit untuk mengamankan pemesanan di mana pengunjung diberikan 90 menit untuk memesan, makan, dan mengosongkan tempat duduk mereka.

Royal Cina Club
40-42 Baker Street, London 7AJ W1U
Tel:020 7486 3898

Rantai Royal China restoran dim sum favorit setiap orang Cina. dim sum mereka adalah yang terbaik dapat Anda temukan di London dengan harga yang wajar. Baru-baru ini, mereka telah membuka Royal China Club untuk menyalin keberhasilan Hakkasan. dekorasi ini gurih tidak seperti rantai Cina mencolok Royal. Makanan adalah kualitas yang sama tetapi dengan bakat inovatif dan bahan yang lebih mahal (misalnya lobster, abalone sirip, hiu).

Shanghai Blues
193-197 Tinggi Holborn, 7BD WC1V
Tel: 020 7404 1668

Shanghai Blues adalah restoran pertama untuk menyalin Hakkassan dan kita harus setuju bahwa dekorasi dan makanan pada tingkat yang sama. Namun, mereka lokasi Holborn dan kurangnya status selebriti telah membatasi keberhasilan mereka. Apapun, jika Anda ingin dim sum Hakkassan kualitas dan dekorasi tanpa klien megah dan keras untuk mengamankan meja, ini adalah tempat.

Ping Pong
45 Great Marlborough Street, W1F 7JL
(Juga Westbourne Grove, Marylebone Desa, Bond Street, Oxford Circus dan Goodge Street - lihat website untuk rincian)
Tel: 020 7851 6969

Ping Pong telah menghasilkan banyak buzz untuk dekorasi modern bagus dan dim sum baik berkualitas dengan harga yang wajar. Ini adalah satu-satunya restoran dalam kategori ini yang memiliki harga yang mirip dengan 'restoran dim sum tradisional' itu.

Tradisional Dim Sum
Ketika datang ke dim sum tradisional, itu semua nilai tentang. Kriteria utama adalah mencicipi makanan hebat dengan harga rendah dan jika mereka memiliki layanan hebat dan dekorasi yang bagus merupakan bonus tambahan. Dalam segi nilai, kami melihat hidangan sekitar £ 2-3, sehingga memenuhi makan dapat memiliki untuk sekitar £ 10 termasuk teh.

Membabi buta memasuki Chinatown mencari dim sum baik bisa menjadi tugas menakutkan, dengan cukup banyak restoran dengan nama yang mirip dan serupa front mencari restoran, kemungkinan tidak dalam mendukung Anda. Dan jika Anda belum belajar sudah, di London, Anda tidak bisa mengharapkan tempat yang baik hanya karena ada kerumunan atau antrian. Jadi menyimpan sendiri masalah, mulai dengan daftar kami dan mudah-mudahan Anda akan menemukan favorit dengan jumlah akhir pekan biasa dim berkumpul dengan teman-teman.

Royal China
13 Queensway, Bayswater, W2 4QJ. Tel: 020 7221 2535
24-26 Baker Street, 3BZ W1U. Tel: 020 7487 4688
30 Westferry Circus, Riverside, E14 8RR. Tel: 020 7719 0888
68 Queens Grove, St Johns Wood, NW8 6ER. Tel: 020 7586 4280

Dengan empat lokasi di London, tidak ada keraguan Royal China populer, dan untuk alasan yang baik. Setiap lokasi mempertahankan standar Royal China dan menawarkan dim sum tradisional besar, dengan banyak bersumpah itu adalah yang terbaik di London. Bersiaplah untuk mengambil tiket dan antrian jika Anda datang pada akhir pekan.

Dunia Baru
1 Gerrard Place, W1D 5PA
Tel: 020 7734 0396

Dunia Baru adalah salah satu restoran hanya di London di mana Anda dapat memiliki pengalaman sum tradisional redup. Di tengah-tengah Chinatown, pelayan datang ke meja Anda dengan troli hidangan dim sum - hanya memilih apa yang Anda suka. Baik untuk pemula dim sum karena tidak ada perlu mengetahui nama masing-masing piring. Namun, yang terbaik adalah datang pada waktu makan siang akhir pekan saat paling sibuk dan hidangan yang paling segar.

Imperial China
25a Lisle Street, 7BA WC2H
Tel: 020 7734 3388

Restoran ini adalah permata dim sum terselip di Chinatown. Anda akan keliru untuk berpikir ini hanya ada restoran lainnya; Anda memasukkan lebih dari sebuah jembatan kayu kecil mencakup sebuah kolam kecil untuk tiba di daerah tempat duduk utama. Ini sangat baik dihiasi dan Anda hampir berharap untuk dapat lebih mahal daripada itu. Layanan di sini sangat baik dan makanan adalah sama baik.

41 Gerrard Street, W1D 5QF
Tel: 020 7437 4431

Juga di Chinatown, Lido adalah pilihan yang sangat baik untuk yang baru dibuat sesuai pesanan dim sum. Khususnya yang baik adalah Fung cheung (beras gulungan mie). Lido menawarkan nilai terbaik dari restoran di sini, dengan kualitas baik dim sum di lingkungan yang nyaman dengan harga murah mengejutkan.

Golden Dragon
28-29 Gerrard Street, W1D 6JW
Tel: 020 7734 2763

Golden Dragon adalah tempat populer untuk dim sum dan sering sangat sibuk pada akhir pekan - pemesanan membantu. Makanan secara umum dengan standar yang tinggi walaupun pelayanan kadang-kadang bisa menjadi agak gerah, dan dekorasi mulai terlihat sedikit tanggal. Namun demikian, ini adalah taruhan aman untuk snack sore atau brunch akhir pekan hak dim sum di pusat Chinatown.

Tentu saja, makanan sangat banyak masalah subjektif dan perdebatan. Apakah ada mana saja kita telah melewatkan? Jangan Tingkat beberapa pilihan kita? Tahu beberapa tempat dim sum yang besar di luar London? Marilah kita tahu di bawah ini. (Dim sum.co. uk)

Lihat juga: burger king

Dim Sum Origins

Dim Sum - A Charming Custom Originating in Chinese Teahouses:

Who hasn't spent a lazy afternoon in their favorite Chinese restaurant, sipping tea and feasting on the innumerable assortment of delicacies that make up Chinese dim sum? Literally meaning "to touch your heart," dim sum consists of a variety of dumplings, steamed dishes and other goodies. They are similar to hors d'oeuvres, the hot and cold delicacies served at French restaurants.

Dim Sum Origins
Originally a Cantonese custom, dim sum is inextricably linked to the Chinese tradition of "yum cha" or drinking tea. Teahouses sprung up to accommodate weary travelers journeying along the famous Silk Road. Rural farmers, exhausted after long hours working in the fields, would also head to the local teahouse for an afternoon of tea and relaxing conversation.
Still, it took several centuries for the culinary art of dim sum to develop. At one time it was considered inappropriate to combine tea with food: a famous 3rd century Imperial physician claimed this would lead to excessive weight gain. As tea's ability to aid in digestion and cleanse the palate became known, tea house proprietors began adding a variety of snacks, and the tradition of dim sum was born.

Today, dim sum is served throughout China. In The Taste of China, Ken Hom shares his memories of enjoying regional variations of "small eats": jiaozi in Beijing, pearl balls in Shanghai and spicy huntuns (wontons) in Szechuan province. But, he agrees with others that the best dim sum in China is found in Canton, with its wide assortment of sweet and savory dishes ranging from meatballs to sweet cakes. Still, it is probably true that the best Cantonese dim sum chefs are found not in China but in Hong Kong, where restaurants begin serving dim sum as early as 6:30 in the morning and continue through mid-afternoon. (Rhonda Parkinson - chinese food)

See also : burger king

Classification of Ice Cream

Ice cream is often called "The Great American Dessert". Although the product is typically American, the U.S. cannot claim its origin. Very little is known of the early history of ice cream; however, the product is definitely known to have been introduced from Europe. The ice cream industry as we know it today, however was wholly developed in the United States.

The types of dairy products that can be made and served directly from dispensing freezers are endless. There are literally hundreds of formulas for ice cream mixes, ranging from plain vanilla to parfait (an extremely rich mix, high in butterfat content and also containing fresh eggs). In addition, there are mixes for custard, sherberts, sorbets, frappes, souffles and milkshakes. All of these products can be made in the standard soft ice cream or milkshake dispensing freezer.

In the development of mixes for products to be used and served directly from the freezer and eaten in the higher temperature ranges, it was recognized that the same taste, flavor, sweetness and richness could be obtained by using smaller quantities of these ingredients. As a matter of fact, smaller quantities were necessary to prevent the finished product from being too rich or sweet. However, because of these regulations concerning minimum quantities of butterfat for ice cream, the finished product cannot legally be called ice cream unless it contains minimum percentages of butterfat as shown for that State. Technically, it would be referred to as "Ice Milk".

The soft-serve industry is gradually discontinuing the use of the term "Ice Milk" because it is not a good descriptive phrase for the product. Also, this term has resulted in the formation of general opinion that "Ice Milk" or soft-serve is an inferior product to ice cream. However, they are both a complete food because they are composed of a mixture of fat, protein, carbohydrate, minerals and vitamins, but actually "Ice Milk" (soft-serve) is superior as a food because it contains lesser quantities of fat and sugar than does ice cream and high quantities of milk solids non-fat which are almost pure protein. Because "Ice Milk" is not a good descriptive term for this low-fat product, it is now common practice to refer to any semi-frozen dairy product regardless of its fat content, served fresh from the freezer, as "soft ice cream" or just "soft serve". (sweden freezer)

See also : burger king, dim sum

Senin, 25 Oktober 2010

Sour Sally Second Offer for The Franchise Brand

Sour Sally, stores selling frozen yogurt, this is so popular in Jakarta. Targeting the upper middle class, with the tagline U.S. Premium Frozen Yogurt, Sour Sally did not need to wait a long time to become the new mascot at a premium food lines that exotic American style in the capital, frozen yogurt.

Perhaps those who have the capital, saw outlets Sour Sally always diantre prospective buyers, they can not bear to open outlets Sour Sally. Sour Sally unfortunately so far not offered partnerships. However, calm, Sour Sally got good deals. Earlier this month it launched a frozen yogurt outlets new outlets that could be called duplicate Sour Sally, his name Yogu Buzz. Interestingly Yogu Buzz has been since the beginning designed to be developed with the partnership-style franchise system (franchise).

"Yogu Buzz is a new brand which is a 'brother' from Sour Sally Fro Yo, intended for all levels of society, seen from its tagline 'Froyo For Everyone'," wrote an explanation on Sour Sally's Facebook account. "Yogu Buzz want to encourage all levels of society to be able to participate in the trend of consuming foods that are tasty and healthy," he added. You opened the first outlet Buzz ITC Kuningan Jakarta.

In his press release stated, "Buzz Yogu a brand that is prepared Sour Sally to become an extended arm with the goal to be able to socialize Frozen Yogurt to all levels of Indonesian society. In real terms it appears that not all segments of Indonesian society can enjoy the food that was mentioned The delicious and healthful. Frozen Yogurt is still dominated by certain circles, "he explained. Through Yogu Buzz, frozen yogurt mnyebarkan effort was executed. Hmm, you interested? (Den Setiawan - majalahduit)

See also: burger king

Minggu, 24 Oktober 2010

Milk Satay

Generally the sale is sate / satay beef, satay chicken or lamb kebabs. But Hadi Compassionate, satay seller at Jalan Cisangkuy have other menus that are often favored by tourists from Jakarta, satay milk.

Satay beef comes from dairy cow milk. It is white and chewy texture. "Since first I was selling milk satay, it was kenyil-kenyil so," said Hadi Compassionate.
But most people think that this is the sate lard (fat-red), whereas meat comes from dairy cows. According to Hadi Compassionate this cow's milk was much favored by tourists, especially from Jakarta. "From Jakarta had 150 messages skewers milk," he explained proudly.

Even so satay beef or chicken are also no less prestige. Sales every day adds up to almost the same. But Hadi Compassionate do not know how many pounds of meat that he spends every day. "Not necessarily, depending on who sold because every day is different," said Hadi Compassionate.

Assisted by three employees, Hadi Compassionate prepare all raw materials sate. For according to him has not been boiled beef in advance, unlike the chicken meat and dairy beef. To be more tasty, meat seasoning smeared with a mixture of coriander, garlic, onion and other spices.
To sate milk processing is also no different from any other cow parts. The only difference is the color of white milk satay.

Satay served with rice cake with pieces. Then doused with peanut sauce plus last washed down with soy sauce. For the peanut flavor is typical of thin, more like a sauce.

One portion of satay price Rp 15 thousand. But for a plain beef satay without lard is more expensive Rp17 thousand. (Ema nur Arifah - detikbandung)

See also: burger king, dim sum

Sushi Jepang

Apa itu sushi? - Tidak hanya ikan mentah -
Apakah sushi sama dengan ikan mentah? No ikan mentah disebut sashimi di Jepang dan tidak sama dengan sushi. Sushi menunjukkan makanan yang menggunakan nasi dibumbui dengan cuka beras-anggur manis. Tentu saja, ikan mentah adalah bahan yang paling populer di sushi, tetapi unsur utama sushi adalah nasi ketan Jepang. Ada banyak jenis sushi, yang tidak termasuk ikan mentah. Dimasak ikan, kerang, dan berbagai bahan lainnya dapat dikombinasikan dalam sushi.

Sejarah Sushi - Berasal dari Cina -
Asal sushi tidak Jepang. Dikatakan bahwa sushi diperkenalkan ke Jepang pada abad ke-7 dari Cina. Orang-orang mulai membuat sushi untuk memelihara ikan dengan fermentasi saat tidak ada kulkas. Karena garam dan beras yang dibutuhkan untuk ikan fermentasi, sushi menjadi harus terkait erat dengan beras di Jepang. Kemudian, itu berkembang menjadi sushi saat ini yang menggabungkan ikan dan nasi.

Nutrisi-Low dalam Fat Sushi
Sushi rendah lemak dan merupakan makanan yang sangat bergizi. Pengaturan khas dari 7 sampai 9 buah mengandung sekitar 300-450 kalori. Ikan di sushi menyediakan protein dan dapat menjadi sumber yang baik dari asam lemak omega-3. Sayuran adalah sumber besar vitamines. Rumput laut kaya akan yodium. Dan beras menyediakan karbohidrat kompleks. (Shizuko Mishima - pergi jepang)

Lihat juga: ice cream, sour sally

Tasting Characteristic of White Wines

Dry, Neutral – The term dry is simply the opposite or absence of sweetness. Some white wines are extremely refreshing when you’re very thirsty. The fact that they are neutral means that they do not exhibit any particular strong quality. The Italians tend to stay away from aromatic, strong flavored white wines. Most Pinot Grigio, Pinot Blanco, Verdicchio, Soave, and even Chardonnay (if it is unoaked) from Italy will have this characteristic. The French use a grape variety called Muscadet. They call it Melon de Bourgogne. All of these are an excellent complement to shellfish.

Tangy, Zesty – Wines of this style are typically described as sharp or green. This is due to the higher level of acidity that is only partially balanced out by sweetness. Sauvignon Blanc from New Zealand is the pinnacle of this style. Rieslings, when young, can exhibit this quality. Age tends to cause them to mellow out a bit. The Loirre Valley in France produces a zesty Chenin Blanc in Vouvray and Savennieres. These wines are mouthwatering and intense enough that most people either love them or hate them.

Perfumy, Aromatic – While this may not seem that a tasting characteristic, it really is. Aroma plays a huge picture in tasting wine. The best example of this is made from the Gewurztraminer (geh-VAIRTZ-trah-mee-ner) grape. They have very exotic floral, fruity and spicy aromas. The Germans create the most aromatic and intense versions and the Italians try to tone theirs down somewhat. Because of the lack of subtlety, stick with strong tasting, spice foods with these wines. The Viognier grape is also known for its apricot and floral aroma.

Toasty, Butterscotch – These flavors are typically a result of fermenting and or aging the wine in oak barrels. Other associated flavors are nutty, vanilla-like, and sometimes smoky. The classic wine of this style is Chardonnay. Chardonnay is typically dry and very fruity. Try a white Burgundy (white Burgundy is made from the Chardonnay grape) for a great example. It is a rich and full bodied wine. If you are not fond of toasty, butterscotch-like flavors, try a Chardonnay from northern Italy or France’s Chablis. They tend to stay away from using oak.

Sweet, Rich – For the sweet tooth out there, the classic examples are from Germany and the Sauternes district of Bordeaux. When grapes are allowed to stay on the vine for a longer than average amount of time, they will sometimes become infected by a fungus called botrytis. This fungus, sometimes called noble rot, dehydrates the grapes which in turn intensifies the sweetness of the fruit. It also produces a rich, honey-like flavor. This intense sweetness is somewhat balanced by a high degree of acidity. These wines can be very expensive and the German styles are called Trockenbeerenauslese (TRO-ken-BEER-en-OUSE-lay-seh) and Beerenauslese or TBA and BA for short. A less expensive wine gets its sweetness by letting the grapes freeze. When pressing the frozen grapes, the ice separates from the sweet, syrupy juice, leaving a concentrated sweet wine. This wine is called Ice Wine and is also produced in Canada.(2basnob)

See also : sushi, hanamasa

Penelitian terbaru menunjukkan anggur mengurangi risiko penyakit jantung dan diabetes

Jutaan orang Amerika dengan penyakit jantung dan diabetes tipe 2 tidak mengembangkan penyakit ini tiba-tiba. gangguan mereka adalah hasil dari suatu kaskade masalah termasuk tekanan darah tinggi, resistensi insulin, lemak dan gejala perut lainnya sindrom metabolik. Sekarang University of Michigan (UM) para ilmuwan mengatakan mereka telah menemukan sesuatu yang bisa membantu mengerem spiral ini sakit. Ini bukan obat baru namun perubahan gaya hidup yang lezat dan mudah: hanya makan buah anggur atau wine.

Hasil penelitian UM, diumumkan 26 April di konvensi Experimental Biology diadakan di Anaheim, California, menunjukkan konsumsi anggur menurunkan tekanan darah, meningkatkan fungsi jantung dan mengurangi faktor risiko lain untuk penyakit jantung dan sindrom metabolik, sebuah kondisi yang mempengaruhi sekitar 50 juta orang Amerika diperkirakan sering menyebabkan diabetes tipe 2. Para ilmuwan menyatakan efek menguntungkan dari anggur tampaknya akibat pasokan yang kaya phytochemical dalam buah.
Tim peneliti menguji campuran anggur hijau, merah dan hitam pada tikus laboratorium yang rentan terhadap kegemukan. Selama tiga bulan, satu kelompok hewan yang makan buah anggur bubuk dicampur ke dalam pakan rutin mereka, yang dirancang untuk meniru lemak tinggi khas, diet ala Amerika. Sebuah kelompok kontrol dari tikus yang sama tidak menerima bubuk anggur dalam makanan mereka (yang dilengkapi sehingga memiliki jumlah kalori yang sama sebagai diet anggur-ditambahkan).

Hasil penelitian menunjukkan tikus yang makan diet yang diperkaya anggur memiliki tekanan darah rendah, fungsi jantung lebih baik, dan indikator penurunan peradangan pada jantung dan darah dari tikus yang tidak menerima bubuk anggur. Apa lagi, tikus makan anggur itu trigliserida lebih rendah dan meningkatkan toleransi glukosa meskipun tidak ada perubahan berat badan mereka.

"Alasan yang mungkin balik mengurangi sindrom metabolik adalah bahwa phytochemical aktif dalam melindungi sel hati dari kerusakan akibat sindrom metabolik," Steven Bolling, MD, ahli bedah jantung di UM Cardiovascular Center dan kepala UM Cardioprotection Research Laboratory , mengatakan dalam sebuah pernyataan kepada media.

Sementara ini adalah studi hewan, para ilmuwan mencatat ada alasan yang baik untuk berpikir anggur makan - bersama dengan strategi alam mencoba-dan-benar seperti makan sedikit lemak jenuh, menjaga berat badan di bawah kendali dan berolahraga secara teratur - bisa memiliki efek yang luas pada perkembangan penyakit jantung dan sindrom metabolik pada orang.

"Mengurangi faktor-faktor risiko yang dapat menunda timbulnya penyakit diabetes atau jantung, atau mengurangi keparahan penyakit," kata E. Mitchell Seymour, Ph.D., pemimpin peneliti dan manajer dari UM Cardioprotection Research Laboratory. "Pada akhirnya mungkin mengurangi beban kesehatan kondisi ini semakin umum." (S. L. Baker - naturalnews)

Lihat juga: steak, soto

Jumat, 22 Oktober 2010

Blackpepper Steak Recipe

Make a delicious steak ala hotel was not difficult. Origin of meat selection is correct, appropriate processing techniques and the right spices, the steak itself was made will be as good as the restaurant menu. Here's black pepper steak recipe, taste this seteak special because the spicy touch of black pepper.

800 g of beef has in / sirloin
1 tsp black pepper, crushed
1 tablespoon soy sauce
2 tablespoons butter

Steak Sauce:
150 ml beef broth
2 tablespoons fresh liquid milk
2 tablespoons BBQ sauce
1 tbsp tomato sauce
½ tsp sugar
1 tsp plain flour
½ tsp nutmeg powder
40 tablespoons minced onion
1 teaspoon ground black pepper
1 tbsp butter / margarine
1 tsp fine salt

Setup Vegetables: boiled then stir-fry with a little butter, pepper and salt:
100 g carrots, diced
100 g green beans, diced

1. Cut the meat against the fiber with each weighing 250 g. Soak in a solution of soy sauce, pepper and salt. Let the spices infuse for 30 minutes.
2. Heat the butter in a non-stick griddle. Fried seteak while inverted until cooked. Lift. Serve hot with vegetables and sauces complement the setup.
3. Sauce: Heat butter, saute onion until fragrant. Add flour and stir well. Pour sauce broth and other ingredients. Cook, stirring constantly until sauce boils and thickens texture. Lift.
4. Presentation: Arrange steak pieces in a serving dish, pour the steak sauce and serve with vegetables setup.

Makes 4 portions

Processing Steak Tips
Steak for maximum results, consider the following tips;
1.Apapun flesh try to cut a way against vein / fiber so that the meat is not tough.
2.Jika steak is presented in the form of large pieces, soak in longer seasoning for seasoning permeate the meat and berries pengempuk (papain powder) for the texture of meat is not tough.
3.Pilih meats such as sirloin or part terlunak topside steak for maximum results. Select meat imports because it is more tender.
4.Jangan never cook a steak for too long because the texture of meat would be tough because of loss of fluid. Sweet taste and juicy texture typical of meat is also reduced if you cook too long.
5.If the meat is stored in the freezer, Layukan overnight in the refrigerator for the meat more tender and easily processed.
6.Tingkat maturity there are several kinds of steak, such as:

• Very Rare: 225 gr cooked meat 1 minute each side. At this level, the outside of the meat changes color, while the inside is still raw.
• Rare: for every 225 grams of meat, cooked 2 minutes each side. The color pink surface, is it raw and bloody.
• Medium: 225 gr of meat cooked 3-4 minutes each side. The exterior of brown, pink it is almost cooked.
• Well done: 225 gr cooked meat 5 minutes each side. Cooked meat, steak For fans of the maturity level is not because the meat loses gurihnya desarankan. (Budi Sutomo - myhobbyblogs)

See also: burger king, sate

Fermented Soybean Patty Steak

Fermeted soybean patty at home is still the same as yesterday? Tempe is dipped in salt water and then pan-fried? Hm, try another varias ie tempeh steak. Special for vegeter (the vegetarian), then the material prepared vegetarian oyster sauce, soy sauce, soy sauce, sesame oil, sugar, nutmeg powder, black pepper, and salt.

How to cook, combine oyster sauce with a tablespoon of soy sauce and sweet, a tablespoon of sesame oil, half a teaspoon of sugar and salt, and nutmeg powder. Then mixed vegetable broth and black pepper.

After all ingredients are mixed and enter the tempeh. Then pan-fried tempeh for about 15 minutes. According to Cindy, practitioners vegetarian, the menu is rich in nutrition. "Vitamins, proteins, and nutrition is not lost with the other steak," said Cindy at Dharma Kitchen Restaurant, Jakarta, recently.

Finish frying tempeh, then the next is sauteing broccoli, corn, potatoes, and carrots mixed with black pepper. Once cooked, stir the vegetables and tempeh served on a plate. Finally, tempeh marinade sauce was made steak sauce.

Dish was ready to eat. Cindy said, this menu contains fiber which is very good for the body. For a non-vegetarian, can use regular oyster sauce. Want to try as well? (AIS-Liputan6)

See also: sate, ice cream

Cabernet Putih

Cabernet Sauvignon adalah salah satu varietas yang paling dikenal di dunia anggur untuk pembuatan anggur merah/red wine. Hal ini tumbuh di hampir setiap negara penghasil anggur utama di antara beragam spektrum iklim dari Kanada Okanagan Valley untuk Lebanon Beqaa Valley. Cabernet Sauvignon menjadi yang diakui secara internasional melalui menonjol dalam anggur Bordeaux mana sering dicampur dengan Merlot dan Cabernet Franc. Dari Perancis, penyebaran anggur di Eropa dan Dunia Baru di mana ia menemukan rumah baru di tempat-tempat seperti California Napa Valley, Australia wilayah Coonawarra dan Chili Maipo Valley. Untuk sebagian besar dari abad ke-20, itu anggur anggur yang paling banyak ditanam premium di dunia merah sampai ia dikalahkan oleh Merlot pada 1990-an.

Walaupun terkenal di industri, anggur adalah varietas yang relatif baru, produk dari kesempatan persilangan antara Franc Cabernet Sauvignon blanc dan selama abad 17 di Perancis barat daya. Popularitasnya sering dikaitkan dengan kemudahan budidaya - anggur memiliki kulit tebal dan tanaman merambat yang kuat dan tahan terhadap busuk dan es - dan untuk presentasi yang konsisten struktur dan rasa yang mengekspresikan karakter khas ("typicity") varietas . Keakraban dan kemudahan pengucapan telah membantu menjual anggur Cabernet Sauvignon kepada konsumen, bahkan ketika dari daerah anggur asing. Its popularitas yang luas juga memberikan kontribusi terhadap kritik dari anggur sebagai "penjajah" yang mengambil alih wilayah anggur dengan mengorbankan varietas anggur asli.

Meskipun tidak produktif di bermutasi sebagai Pinot noir atau sebagai banyak digunakan dalam produksi keturunan, Cabernet Sauvignon telah dikaitkan dengan varietas anggur yang lain. Pada tahun 1961, sebuah salib Cabernet Sauvignon dan Grenache menghasilkan wine anggur Marselan Perancis. anggur 'perunggu' Pada tahun 1977 sebuah pohon anggur produksi ditemukan di kebun-kebun anggur Cleggett Wines di Australia. Mereka disebarkan ini mutan, terdaftar di bawah nama Mali dan telah menjual anggur merah pucat dengan nama itu. Pada tahun 1991 salah satu anggur Cabernet Perunggu mulai memproduksi anggur putih. Cleggett terdaftar ini "Cabernet Putih" di bawah nama Shalistin. Dibandingkan dengan orang tua Cabernet nya, Mali tampaknya anthocyanin kekurangan dalam sel subepidermal tetapi menahan mereka di epidermis, sedangkan Shalistin tidak memiliki anthocyanin pada lapisan kedua.

Tim yang pergi untuk menemukan gen VvMYBA1 dan VvMYBA2 yang mengontrol warna anggur telah menyarankan bahwa gen terlibat dalam produksi antosianin telah dihapus di subepidermis dari Mali, dan kemudian sel subepidermal menginvasi epidermis untuk menghasilkan Shalistin. Hal ini tidak biasa untuk memiliki jenis 'gris' ("abu-abu") dan 'blanc' mutan dari 'hitam' anggur: Pinot dan keluarga yang Grenache adalah contoh, meskipun penghapusan 'Mali' lebih besar dari mutasi yang ditemukan di Pinot blanc. (Wikipedia)

lihat juga: steak, sushi

Kamis, 21 Oktober 2010

wine region outside italy

Northwest Italy is the viticultural home for Barbera, but Italian immigrants spread it through much of the New World, where its acidity is valued in blended wines for the 'freshness' it imparts. Barbera is found in the northwestern part of Italy, particularly in Monferrato, and to a lesser extent further south. Nearly half of all grape vine plantings in Piedmont are Barbera. It likes the same conditions as Nebbiolo, but the latter is more profitable, fetching nearly twice, so is grown on the best sites. The earlier-ripening Barbera is grown on the cooler lower slopes below the Nebbiolo, and other secondary locations.
This explains why relatively little Barbera is grown around Alba, where the wines are entitled to the appellation Barbera d'Alba. Thus the best known Barbera is the DOCG of Barbera d'Asti. The Barbera del Monferrato DOC - which tends to be somewhat sparkling (frizzante) - is seldom exported.

Barbera came to Australia with cuttings imported from the University of California, Davis in the 1960s. It has been grown for ~25 years in the Mudgee region of New South Wales, with later plantings in a number of wine regions, including the King Valley in Victoria as well as the McLaren Vale and the Adelaide Hills regions in South Australia. John Gladstones, in his book Viticulture and Environment, includes Barbera in maturity group 5, which means that it will ripen at about the same time as Shiraz and Merlot, and that it should theoretically find a successful home in many Australian wine regions. Barbera went to Argentina with Italian immigrants. It is quite widely grown, but is used mostly for blending. As in Argentina, Barbera was brought by Italian immigrants to Brazil.

Outside of Italy, Barbera is rarely found in Europe except for small plantings in Greece, Romania, and the coastal region of Primorska in Slovenia. Outside of Europe, there are some plantings in Israel. The influence of Italian immigrants has led to a scattering of Barbera plantings in South America, notably in Argentina, Brazil, and Uruguay. In Argentina, there are nearly 2470 acres (1000 ha) planted, mostly in the Mendoza and San Juan provinces. Australian wine producers have found some success with Barbera in Victoria, while South African producers have begun widespread plantings of the grape in the warm climate regions of Malmesbury and Paarl.

In California, Barbera is one of the most successful of the Piemontese grapes to be adapted in the state, with over 8000 acres (3200 hectare) of plantings. It is widely planted in the Central Valley, where it is a blend component in mass-produced jug wines. In recent years, the fashion of Italian grapes has caused more California winemakers to look into producing high quality varietal Barbera. Plantings in the cooler regions of Napa and Sonoma have produced some successful examples. In Washington State, producers have been experimenting with plantings of Barbera in the Red Mountain, Walla Walla, and Columbia Valley AVAs. So far these very young vines have produced fruity wines with strawberry notes and limited complexity and aging potential.

Like many grapes that are widely planted, there is a wide range of quality and variety of Barbera wines from medium bodied, fruity wines to more powerful, intense examples that need cellaring. Some characteristics of the variety are more consistent—namely its deep ruby color, pink rim, noticeable levels of tannins and pronounced acidity. The acidity of Barbera make it a valued plantings in warm climate regions where acidification is usually needed. The color of Barbera makes it a value blending grape and it was historically used in the Barolo & Barberesco region to add color to the naturally light Nebbiolo grape.

The use of oak for fermentation or maturation can have a pronounced influence of the flavor and profile of Barbera. Barrel influenced Barbera tend to be rounder, richer with more plum and spice notes. Wines made with older or more neutral oak tend to have more vibrant aromas and cherry notes. While some producers delay harvest in order to increase sugar levels as a balance to Barbera's acidity, over ripeness can lead to raisiny flavors. (wikipedia)

See also : sate, sour sally

Enaknya Soto Ayam Ambengan

Soto Ayam Ambengan adalah salah satu makanan khas kota Surabaya.

Berbeda dengan Soto Ayam dari daerah lainnya di Indonesia, makanan khas Surabaya ini warna kuahnya lebih kuning pekat karena memakai kunir dalam pembuatannya.

Nama Soto Ayam Ambengan adalah berasal dari depot Soto Ayam Pak Sadi yang terletak di Jalan Ambengan Surabaya. Depot Soto Ayam Pak Sadi ini sudah berdiri sejak tahun 1970 dan terkenal dengan rasa koya sotonya yang khas. Karena terkenalnya kelezatan soto ayam tersebut, maka masyarakat umum menyebut semua soto ayam khas Surabaya sebagai Soto Ayam Ambengan.

Soto Ayam Ambengan terdiri dari daging ayam (daging, jerohan, kulit, brutu), telur, nasi putih, bihun, kubis cacah dan kuah kaldu ayam. Biasanya para pecinta makanan ini kemudian mencampur makanannya dengan koya (bubuk yang terbuat dari parutan kelapa, tumbukan kerupuk udang, dan bawang putih), kerupuk, sambal, dan jeruk nipis. Ada pula yang kemudian masih menambahkan kecap manis atau kecap asin sesuai selera.

Sumber: wikipedia

Lihat juga : dim sum, steak

Sate Maranggi Sambel Oncom

Sate maranggi yang terbuat dari daging sapi sudah lama dikenal warga Cianjur, Jawa Barat. Sate maranggi ini biasanya disajikan dengan bumbu sambal kecap dan dihidangkan diatas piring. Tapi di Bogor, sate maranggi disajikan dengan tambahan sambal oncom dan disajikan di daun pisang. Selain terkesan alami, sate maranggi yang satu ini, juga menjanjikan masakan yang rendah kolesterol.

Sate maranggi atau sate bumbu dari daging sapi, sudah banyak orang tahu. Tapi tidak demikian halnya sate maranggi dengan bumbu sambal oncom, yang ditawarkan sebuah warung sate di Jalan Otto Iskandar Dinata, Kota Bogor, Jawa Barat.

Selain cara penyajiannya unik, yakni diatas daun pisang, sate maranggi yang satu ini juga memberikan sentuhan lokal, berupa rasa sambal bumbu oncom.

Proses pembuatan sate maranggi sambal oncom tidak jauh beda dengan pembuatan sate maranggi pada umumnya. Pertama, daging sapi diiris kecil-kecil, kemudian ditambahkan bumbu-bumbu seperti ketumbar yang sudah dihaluskan, minyak goreng secukupnya untuk lebih wangi pada daging, serta gula merah. Sedangkan untuk menurunkan kolesterol, ditambahkan bawang putih.

Agar bumbu lebih menyerap, daging dan bumbu didiamkan dalam wadah selama 1 jam. Selanjutnya, potongan daging sapi yang telah dicampur dengan bumbu ditusuk dan dibakar.

Sate maranggi yang diklaim rendah kolesterol ini, harganya cukup terjangkau. Yakni Rp 7500 per porsinya, yang terdiri dari 5 tusuk sate.(website indosiar)

Lihat juga :  sushi, steak

Campina's Franchise

Franchise  Campina Ice Cream that has stood for 35 years this is one brand of ice cream products native to Indonesia. Although it has a smell them westerns, but Campina is an abbreviation of the word Champion is a brand product native to Indonesia.

With its motto «Add something Nice to Everyday», Campina Ice Cream franchise is committed to innovate in creating products creamnya ice. Recently, Campina Ice Cream franchise issued edition Chocobanana SpongeBob with a distinctive flavor.

In addition, Campina Ice Cream franchise in support of franchisees, also provide support in the form of marketing / advertising. Per year, Franchise Campina Ice Cream spend about Rp. 1 billion just for the cost of communication.

Here proved that the franchise Campina Ice Cream has been very strong and experienced. Campina Ice Cream brand is a guarantee that this business has a market and business opportunities that promise. (franchisekey)

See also : hanamasa, steak

Ke Gelare Yuuukk

TEMPAT NYAMAN : Kenikmatan aneka menu Gelare Café bisa dinikmati dalam suasana resto yang nyaman dan eksklusif.

GELARE memang terkenal dengan kelezatan ice creamnya,tapi Gelare juga memiliki produk lain yang banyak disukai, di antaranya adalah belgian waffles serta smoothies dan aneka menu yang dicampur kopi.

Es krim yang hadir di Gelare Café, memiliki macam-macam rasa.Semuanya ada 30 pilihan rasa.Dimulai dari aneka rasa buah seperti stroberi, pisang, hingga green tea. ”Walaupun cokelat banyak dicari dan dibeli, tapi tetap, yang menjadi favorit pengunjung adalah es krim dengan rasa cookies and cream,” ujar Direktur Gelare Indonesia, Michael Alamsjah. Selain menu es krim, Gelare Cafe juga menyediakan aneka hidangan penutup lainnya yang rasanya tak kalah menggoda.

Di antaranya adalah Belgian Waffles. Bahan dasar yang digunakan dari waffle ini pun diimpor dari negara yang sama, yaitu Australia.Hal itu dilakukan untuk menjaga kualitas waffle tersebut. Asyiknya lagi,di sini waffle baru dimasak setelah dipesan. Tentu saja menu ini juga memiliki rasa yang nikmat. Nah, untuk ukuran pun, disediakan dalam berbagai ukuran dan bentuk. ” Untuk ukuran reguler, waffle tersedia dalam bentuk lonjong atau memanjang, sedangkan untuk ukuran besar, waffle bentuknya bulat,” jelas Michael.

Dikatakan Michael, penyajian waffle bisa disajikan bersamaan dengan aneka topping tambahan, seperti aneka macam es krim juga buah.”Waffle juga banyak dipesan, orderan waffle, bisa sampai 25 % dari keseluruhan,” jelasnya. Bagi Anda yang ingin tetap menjaga penampilan tubuh tapi masih tetap ingin menyantap hidangan penutup,maka pilihlah menu yang mengandung rendah lemak bisa dicoba. ”Beberapa produk sajian penutup pun ada yang kami sediakan low fat,” ujarnya. Ada pula beberapa produk pilihan minuman kopi.

Satu yang menjadi favorit ialah afogato. Menu ini menyajikan espresso yang dihidangkan bersama es krim vanila. Rasanya pun unik, karena es krim tidak langsung ”melted”. Di sini juga tersedia beragam pilihan snack seperti kentang goreng, potato wedges, chicken chippies, dan boxing chicken. Kesemua sajian snack tersebut merupakan original khas dari Gelare Cafe.(Inggrid Namirazswara - Harian Seputar Indonesia)

Lihat juga : soto, steak

BK Fact

Burger King is one of the world's leading brands and most successful fast food chains, yet it is often overlooked in favor of it's ever more famous competitor McDonalds. Quite simply the golden arches have no rivals, but if they did then their closest one would be Burger King.

Burger King was born in Miami Florida back in 1954 when James McLamore and David Edgerton opened "Insta Burger King" based on the continued success of McDonalds and their production line philosophy to the burger industry. The company grew slowly in the local area with expansions into the wider US market and then in 1967 the Pillsbury Company took over the organization to spark further growth. The franchise business model that was adopted allowed for continual rapid growth over the next decade as international markets were blown open for ever increasing opportunities. In 1971 a Jack Cowin adopted the Franchise model for Australia but instead of the Burger King name he opted for "Hungry Jacks" as Burger King was already registered and to this day it remains the brand for Burger King in Australia.

Over the following decades growth continued through mergers and acquisitions, perhaps most notable was the takeover of Wimpy in the UK which cemented Burger Kings presence there. Then in 2006 Burger King was floated on the stock market and became a public organization.

The most famous of the burgers at Burger King is the Whopper which was launched early on in 1957 and is based on being a high quality burger full of salads and dressings for the more discerning burger eater. This philosophy has been endorsed throughout the entire organization with Burger King trying to purport an image of greater quality than its rivals. They famously offer the customer more choice too and their recent slogan of "have it your way", reflects how they are happy to customise their burgers to individuals tastes.

Nowadays Burger King is firmly cemented as the world's second biggest burger bar behind McDonalds and it's restaurants span the globe. In the coming years they will continue to adapt their menus to suit changing diets and to fight off the criticism that is leveled due to the obesity crisis in western countries. Being second may not always be great, but if you are second behind McDonalds, one of the world's biggest brands and organizations, then I guess it is not all so bad.(paul linsell-helium)

See also : soto, steak

Rabu, 20 Oktober 2010

Sour Sally Style

When two icons of modern stylish lifestyle combined, the magic will happen where 22 winners will be selected, 22 will be distributed and the grand prize Mazda2 price will be awarded to a birthday celebration of the 2nd Sour Sally
Inspired by the stylish Mazda2 influence on Indonesian road, Sour Sally and Mazda2 present new yogurt flavors that will only be available in a limited period, in order to celebrate Sally's 2nd AniverSally Sour.

Inspired a sense of Mazda2 - Stylish Melon Mint - will be presented with a special cup to invite Sally Mazda Sour Sour Sally lovers to enjoy non-fat yogurt their favorite - in style of course stylish.

Yoshiya Horigome, President Director of PT. Mazda Motor Indonesia to explain why the Mazda2 is the perfect partner with Sour Sally because it has the same vision of innovation and branding. Sour Sally becoming a trendsetter and an inspiration to others in the industry. Sour Sally and Mazda are forward-Thingking and move from the innovation and evolution. This principle became the driving wheel of Mazda in the present design, product and communications experience barnd who steal our attention to the target audience. "

"As an award-winning World Car of the Year, Mazda2 has received global recognition for its ability to create a vehicle that managed to raise industry standards and customer expression. Thus, the Mazda2 and Sour Sally became the perfect partner in co-branding program, which is itself a trendsetter Mazda2 city car, "added Horigome
"In planning this grand title, number 2 is not accidental dominate the entire preparation and inspired me to pick it as the theme for this title: Two Thumbs Up," Donny said Pramod Ie, director Sour Sally International Pte. Ltd.

"Without Sour Sally Lovers, we can never realize the dream this big. And we are very happy in this extraordinary day, along with Mazda we give a highest awards for the appreciation and support of Sour Sally infinite Lovers "says Telly Limbara, GA & Treasury Director Sour Sally Fro-Yo.

Look stylish, without fat, and berkesempatanb to win the New Mazda2. There is absolutely no reason to miss this opportunity! (Lintascafe)

See also: ice cream, soto

Burger King memiliki kandungan karbohidrat yang kecil

Sangat jarang bahwa aku punya pujian bagi rantai makanan cepat saji, namun dalam kasus ini, aku salut bergerak Burger King untuk menawarkan hamburger bunless kepada pelanggan mereka. Ini dilakukan sebagai tanggapan atas permintaan konsumen dan popularitas percepatan diet Atkins, South Beach Diet, dan diet rendah karbohidrat. Dengan menghapus bun, Whopper berjalan dari 52 gram karbohidrat ke 3 gram belaka. Itu kemajuan yang nyata! Tidak diragukan lagi, sebuah Whopper tanpa bun jauh lebih sehat daripada bohong besar dengan disanggul.

Kenapa begitu? Karena roti hamburger yang benar-benar hanya roti gula: mereka yang dibuat dengan tepung putih halus, yang dengan cepat dikonversi menjadi gula darah sekali dicerna, mengakibatkan pelepasan insulin, suatu hormon yang mempromosikan penyimpanan lemak. Dan 52 gram adalah bohong besar porsi karbohidrat, juga! Bahkan, saya tidak makan 52 gram karbohidrat diserap dalam satu hari, apalagi pada satu kali makan.

Low-carb diet yang melanda negeri, dan banyak restoran - tidak hanya Burger King - yang menanggapi dengan item menu rendah karbohidrat. Ini berita baik di sekitar, karena low-carb diet benar-benar membantu orang dengan tujuan penurunan berat badan mereka, dan restoran lebih menawarkan item menu rendah karbohidrat, semakin cepat kita akan bisa mengatasi epidemi obesitas sebagai bangsa .

Ini aneh mendengar saya mengatakannya, tapi jempol sampai Burger King!

Lihat juga : Wine 

Burger King, iblis atau hanya orang yang aneh?

Kami berada di sebuah Renaissance Faire beberapa waktu lalu dan, tentu saja cukup, semua orang yang terlibat mengenakan pakaian periode. Aneh lagi adalah jumlah pengunjung yang luar biasa-penduduk setempat terutama aku akan menebak-yang juga datang sepenuhnya
mengenakan celana ketat yang di kiri apa-apa untuk imajinasi, atau gaun yang memungkinkan sejumlah dada untuk memberikan berbohong kepada mitos bahwa gravitasi bukan hanya ide yang baik, itu hukum.

Aku hanya bisa membayangkan apa Renaissance Faire harus berbau seperti selama puncak musim panas, untungnya, itu benar-benar dingin hari kami pergi dan bau kulit dan pleather dan suede dan perempuan di panjang, gaun panjang dan-jubah, oh astaga saya, jubah-tidak terlalu parah matang. Tetapi di tengah-tengah perjalanan kami kembali dalam waktu ada muncul idola palsu, seorang raja yang bukan raja, sepenuhnya mengenakan jubah kerajaan sebagai raja nyata yang telah memerintah selama berkelahi dgn tombak sambil naik kuda-lihat video saya untuk hasil itu, itu sia-sia. Raja palsu ini tidak lain ... Raja Burger! Ya, Burger King telah tiba, lengkap dengan masker untuk membuktikan bahwa ia hanyalah hantu, penipu, dan perampas seorang.

Saya harus memberitahu Anda, bahwa Burger King memberi saya merinding. Bagaimana dengan Anda? Senyum, aneh tidak manusiawi yang abadi menempel di wajahnya mengingatkan apa-apa begitu banyak seperti, juga, bahwa senyum tidak manusiawi aneh yang digunakan untuk menjadi kekal menempel di muka Pres. George W. Bush sampai ia keluar telanjang antara satu waktu kerumunan terlalu sering dan Keith Olbermann akhirnya menggosok matanya dan mengumumkan bahwa raja tidak memiliki pakaian. Tapi aku ngelantur.

Raja Burger. Apakah ada sosok perusahaan sehingga dishearteningly jahat dalam penampilan? Latin mungkin menunjuk ke Frito Bandito, tapi kau harus mengakui orang yang memiliki satu lagu tema catchy. Afrika-Amerika memiliki jumlah calon meskipun saya mengharapkan seluruh kontroversi seputar Sambo-an restoran bisa mengisi mereka dengan makian lebih dari apa pun.

Harus diakui, Burger King tidak menyinggung kelompok etnis tertentu, tetapi ia tidak menyinggung perasaan. Saya belum bertemu siapa pun yang tidak menggunakan kata yang menyeramkan untuk menggambarkan karakter ini. Itulah mengapa sangat aneh ...

Lihat juga : steak, ice cream