Senin, 29 November 2010

Delicacies Sate Japan

Sate is one of the most popular food in Indonesia. Many areas in this archipelago have sate menu. Therefore you know the sate padang, sate madura, banjo sate, sate betawi, maranggi sate, sate Blora, sate ponorogo, and so forth. Types of meat also varied, from chicken to turtles, from clams to torpedo. The dish can you get with ease, from street stalls to fancy restaurants.

But have you ever heard of the sate of Japan? Japanese sate also called yakitori, sate is not much different in Indonesia. How to cook it as well by burning, with a wide range of meat, no different than the typical Indonesian satay.

Although many have similarities, the differences between typical Indonesian satay and yakitori are also quite striking. Food in Japan are generally treated with a healthy manner and materials. It is also applied in the manufacture of yakitori. If the usual sate skewers we know is that many contain soy sauce and oil, yakitori not contain a lot of oil and prefer the use of salt.

The basic ingredients are chicken yakitori own, according to the meaning of the word tori which means chicken. All parts of chicken, such as thighs, skin, liver, etc., can be used for yakitori. In Japan, the chicken sate was then burned on the wood charcoal. This determines the quality of wood charcoal taste satenya. Hardwood charcoal and aromatic produce a more delicious satay, rather than a cheaper wood charcoal, or a grilled over a gas stove and electric grill. Some sellers use free-range chicken yakitori (jidori), which is more tough than regular chicken, but rather have a taste.

In their home country, yakitori popular among middle-class office workers as a snack after work on the way to the train station. Yakitori are sold at the yakitori-ya, (restaurant or food stalls on the roadside). Often times other than dyed with barbeque sauce (before baking), chicken meat was also doused with cold beer. Wow ... like what, ya feel? They end the meal with a swig of sake.

Source: Eka.D -

See also:
Burger King

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